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How to draw metals?

I really like to draw metals. It has everything that makes it exciting: contrast and texture. In the case of aluminium, you might think that it is simply grey. This is a good example, how rich can be the colour, that always referred as a synonym of boredom.  As a reference, I chose the work […]

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…the key to photo-realistic drawings I am a self-taught artist, I learned everything from videos and books. And, of course, with the thousands of hours of practice. In this post, I want to write about the details. Boris Vallejo wrote in his book: “The secret to realistic drawings, is to learn to see”. When I

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I would like to write about the tools I use. Although, it is personal preference what you can work with, it is important, to pay attention on quality. It is said, that only with quality materials can be a high quality artwork done. This also can be apply to any other area: house building, cooking,

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